The literally had a guy on crack loading my furniture
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Review made Live: 7/11/2012 11:38:00 PM
This was absolutely the worst moving experience I've had in 18 moves in my life. The company is unreal, incredibly bad. Scheduled pickup 9-12am on a monday. Arrival time for pickup 9:30PM on Tuesday night. Guess what, we loaded the truck until 4AM!!!!!! OH and the helpers they hire locally-you have no idea who they are, neither do they! We had a guy totally jacked on Crack arrive at our house to load. SO IF YOU WANT TOTAL STRANGERS PICKED UP OFF OF CRAIGSLIST TO SEE AND HANDLE AND LOAD/UNLOAD ALL OF YOUR STUFF IN YOUR HOUSE-BEWARE OF THIS COMPANY. THEY ARE CLEARLY NOT BACKGROUND CHECKED, BONDED ETC...iF YOU ARE UNLOADING=THE CAN CASE YOUR HOUSE AS THEY UNLOAD. ABSOLUTELY INSANE.
Here is how the apparently operate. They hire these guys who drive ryder trucks and run them on fuel. They have to get authorization from stop to stop for fuel which could take hours. They arrive when they can. NO hand truck, no boxes, tape, etc..NOTHING but furniture pads. SO WRAP ALL OF YOUR STUFF!!!! MAKE SURE You have a cheap quote for any overweight prices. We negotiated .45cents per pound. THe driver had .90cents on the paper, I said no way and he called his boss who said no way. I showed the contract and they conceded to the .45 cents. That little item there saved me over $2,000 in overage costs!!!!
Then to help load the truck, they put ads on craigslist. Guess what-the two that showed up to load my furniture were drugged out. I"m not joking! One guy had needle marks on his arm (tracks), the other guy kept ducking into his car and then would be totally JACKED OUT on crack. He was taking hits while working!!! I'm not kidding. When I first met them, I told my wife and daughter to lock their purses and laptops in our car. I'm not joking, the two helpers were totally wacked out on drugs. I was like WTF is this. Yet it's midnight and we are loading our stuff as we need to be out of the house. We loaded and then I followed the truck to the weigh station (30 miles away). Luckily I got my wife and daughter out of there at 2am. I dealt with the unpredictable drug help on my own.
The driver-he was really good though. He was courteous and helpful. He worked the two drug afflicted helpers. I felt bad for the driver for the situation his company had put him in. Waiting on fuel, dealing with whatever help they had at the location when he arrived, no hand truck and dealing with pissed of customers when he arrives.
When our stuff arrived (Late), the helper was a kid that got out of the marines 6 days ago. He was good and worked as you would imagine. That was good. BUT given the ad was answered on craigslist.. it could have been anybody.
SO-the poor driver trucks across the country hoping somebody is awake to authorize fuel from truck stop to truck stop. You stuff gets there when it gets there. We slept on the floor in our new house for two days thanks to this piss poor logistics system. It was horrendous. 500 miles a day is what they say the driver can do. We had 1400 miles so we think 3 days as they agreed. Guess what-it was 5 days.
I think you would have better luck putting your stuff on the ground and tie a balloon to it and hope it arrives where you want.
I've considered hiring an attorney to file a claim of gross contract breach, reckless negligance for the drug users arriving at my house, and general misrepresentation.
It was horrible!!!!