my living nightmare
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Review made Live: 8/7/2012 4:36:00 PM
I feel the need to spread the bad word on this company. I don't want to fill out much information seeing as they still have my stuff and I hope to one day see it again! They are an absolute nightmare. I didn't think this would happen to me! I found such good reviews on them and I believed them! Silly me!! I should have gone with a higher priced company that warned me about low balling and reputation.
When the moves arrived I couldn't believe my eyes! They were the sorriest bunch of people I had ever seen! They looked dirty and unkept (to put it nicely). I should have canceled as soon as I saw them but I had to move and didn't have a day to spare. These men damaged the walls and my wood floors, but it doesn't stop there! They stole 2 personal boxes that I was going to take with me and 2 tablets that were on the table. The next day, when I saw that a few things were missing I called the office, they of course said that they would get to the bottom of things but they didn't! I called back and at that point they first tried to imply that I was lying and then the boss or manager or whatever actually said it! I started to get worried about the condition my furniture was going to arrive so I asked where it was (this was 1 day after the move) they said it was in storage pending a trailer and they didn't know when they were going to deliver. As you all can imagine I still haven't received my items (weeks later). Everyday a different story! Everyday its on its way then another person says its still in the storage. I don't know what to do, so I am writing this hoping to save the next person, as I pray to ever see my furniture again.