Real Review: Company's operations are bordering on criminal
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Review made Live: 7/9/2013 6:22:00 PM
Received a full BINDING quote for a 3 bedroom apartment, gave a detailed and accurate list of all items in apartments. Packed my own small items in durable rubbermaid plastic totes. The Binding quote for just over $1400 for a move from Portland Oregon to Southern California. On the day the movers arrived they were late, the foreman (Orrin or something like that) then told me the price would be almost $3500 because it took up more space than expected (Even though there were NO additional items beyond what the quote had). Please note this is more than double the original supposedly
During the move the walls of the apartment were damaged as was the floor. The foreman refused to disassemble one of my beds telling me I'd have to do it because it looked too hard and he didn't "have time" so they'd have to come back another day to pick it up. This delayed my move out by a day (which I was charged for) They then packed the bed the following day into their Budget Rent-a-truck. The Foreman asked for payment in cash and refused a check or credit card or anything that could be traced.
The foreman then said that the truck was full and to expect delivery in 3-4 days. 15 days later I call the office and their dispatcher says "Tomorrow or the next day for delivery"
18 days later I call the office and their dispatcher says"This Friday for Delivery"
21 days later I call the office and the Dispatcher says"ok, next thursday or friday for delivery, your stuff is just arriving in California"
Where had it been for almost a month? Last I checked there are no states between CA and Oregon.When the stuff finally arrives the bed that they made me disassemble is totally destroyed (side rails literally snapped in half)
My rubbermaid totes are cracked, have holes in them or have had their tape cut off and re-taped indicating they've been rummaged through and two parts of one of our other beds are missing off the inventory list to which I'm told "Make a claim". In addition 3 or our 5 lamps were broken, my Le Cruset cookware was broken as were a good number of the plates (keep in mind they packed this box). Nightstand leg was snapped off and our mattresses (which we had bagged and wrapped professionally) were absolutely filthy.The two men who delivered the goods said this was typical of Orrin and his crew and urged me to make a claim against the company.