Worse Moving company ever
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Review made Live: 7/17/2012 7:37:00 PM
The worse company I ever deal with. Honestly Im not sure how they can be still in business. They gave me certain price qoute over the phone for all the furniture I needed to be move. After they pick up the furniture, they came up with 3 times more then the original price they qouted me for the same cubic feet of space. I had to end up pay 1000 dollor more after 3 hour of argument.
So, they told me it will take them 6 to 7 business to bring our furniture and household stuff New York to Oklahoma. After 7 day pass when I called them they start giving me all kind of excuses, transfering from one person to another, telling me to call next day or 2 , the person in charge not working....all kinda sotry. They start acting like it's not their problem anymore. We had so much trouble without our cloths and household stuff. I will absolutly recomand not to use this company.