Pacific Blue Movers: Unstable moving company
T Adimiche
Submitted this review about
Review made Live: 12/18/2007 12:03:00 AM
1. Company quickly debited credit card for deposit, then refused credit card for final bill. Owner (Alex) wanted cash or cashier's check at last minute. Refused to set up secure account with MoneyGram for wire transfer. He uses a very confrontational communication style - maybe due to language proficiency.
2. Driver and helper had very poor command of English language, and it was difficult to communicate directions and common English terms with them. Had to repeat things to them several times before they could understand. When frustrated with right words to use, driver would hang up phone.
3. Contact info on website is incorrect/non-functioning. No one answers alternate phone # at 281.587.1314 due to possible call screening.
4. Depending on type of problem, owner represents Pacific Blue as either an independent company or as a subsidiary of Nationwide Movers.
5. The goods were delivered damaged and/or missing. Again, the lack of English proficiency was used by the driver to feign incomprehension.