Shady business
Submitted this review about
Northern Van Lines
Review made Live: 6/29/2012 1:55:00 AM
Shame on me for not reading these reviews before I was suckered in by their sales personnel. Our experience was HORRIBLE. Now I know why this company is not affiliated with the BBB. We chose this moving company based on their initial sales personnel. Very responsive and willing to help. I expressed concern several times for my moving conditions and was assured by several team members throughout the process that everything would be fine. They eventually found my concerns to be valid but only at my expense. We were not provided the amount of workers we were told would be there but still had to pay by the hour. I think between the 2 issues, we were over charged at least $500. They estimated our move would take about 6 hours and even had an appt. scheduled after ours based on their estimate. With the circumstances provided our move took 11 hours according to their calculations. The workers defecated in our restrooms, drank our bottled water and even had us buy them lunch. They broke and scratched several pieces of furniture and our wood floors. While the movers were sitting in their truck eating, I was still being charged by the hour. When I called the office and expressed my concern they were extremely rude and unwilling to work with me at all. They threatened that if I did not provide payment immediately based on their time estimations for completion, they would instruct their workers to unload their truck at our driveway and leave. I provided payment and was hung up on before my issues were resolved. Moving is stressful and they have you at your mercy. I think much of this could have been avoided if they had listened to my concerns and provided an estimate based on a previous site visit and given the amount of workers they said they would send.