was good atleast for me..in terms of pick up and delivery....bad customer service after you gave your deposit...no status update
Submitted this review about
Review made Live: 8/29/2012 5:58:00 PM
See the below review i provided for them ..and think if am giving bad review for them
i said overall good..but need to improve in customer service on dispatch department...they never picked my call when we go to dispatch.....finally after lot of struggle ..i got hold of one lady who says she dont know where my car is which is ridiculous....and talking like they are not even responsible for it....i ma more worried about my car status than the delivery time..i guess the delivery is good for 4 days from florida to minnesota....but talking to me when i ask about status of my vehicle is ridiculous
after a large fight i got a call from truck manager and gave me good updates on the day of delivery atleast
even after i gave good rating to these peopel they replied to my comment saying they did very best and am unsastihfied customer.....i just gave them suggestions to improve......
so reduced my rating more here because am more sad now
after i gave this review she replied like...am a customer who never be happy '''''i dont know where they make me happy except
"Overall good guys.....just giving some suggestions.......but I did got frustrated with these guys......as soon as i tried online quotes i got several calls and several emails fromw hich i found this quote is good with clear details and conditions in it
so selected this company to go with without trying any others.....the person is robert i think i first talked with ..explained very clearly of what is the quote and what will be chargeable amount and all..then as soon as i confirmed picked up date..he noted as rush shipping and charged the broker fee which is included in the quote
then i got call again right then saying ..a driver is available to pick that day only...and the car will be delivered by monday....so i said ok
Picking driver is good..called my friend and as my friend is late by 2 hours ..he came 2 hours after scheduled time according to my frd availability..so far awesome
so my friend mailed me the doc which is signed by my friend..it just has truck company name ..no phone number of the company and no phone number of driver..thats where i got some feeling...but as i have the contact of moving services..i didnt worried much...
So as per schedule they need to deliver monday afternoon...they didnt ..i am not worrying about they are late..but they just ned to inform me that they will be late....which they didnt...so i called them in the evening asking for status...to which they answered they dont know...the driver will be calling.....so now my worry got increased...no phone number or any details of truck compoany and these guys says driver should call me....so am worried if the right person got picked my car or some theft has happen.....anyway as i am not getting any help from these guys....i thoutgh to wait for one more day
then i called on tuesday afternoon for status of my vehicle to new way moving services.....its going to voice mail....i dont want to leave voicemail as i left 2 already on monday and didnt get any reply.....so i googled for the truck company....i found one phone number and called the driver to ask the status....oh my god here i got worst call ever..i can understand he is on drive and cant talk...but he said he dont know anything about my car being picked up from tampa,fl....and for this word i have totalk to him like 20 mins....as he cant understands me...i cant understand him
so i again keep calling new way moving .....finally got hold of the guy named michael......he gave me 3 numbers of drivers...i called them....one got connected and he said he dont have any idea..i guess this is the same guy i talked by googling the company...
then i again called michael with more worry about not knowing whats happening.....he just routed to dispatch...which never picked
i had called like 10-11 times to dispatch after that ...my call never got picked..left voice mail twice///....nobody called back........worst team in company is dispatch team
finally i tried again to michael (101- extension) ..as soon as i said my name he said ..wait and diverted to dispatch...which is no use at all
again called to customer care and there i got hold of one lady couldnt remeber her name....
she said she will contact driver and confirmed that she dont know anything yet ..as soons as they get any information they will call me......so this is where the problem is....i believed these guys and shipped witht hem..and now they saying they are just brokers and they cant do anything about it just have to wait untill the driver shows up.....SO WHAT THE USE OF THIS COMPANY OIF THE DRIVER SHOWS UP ..THEN I WILL KNOW......I JUST WANTED TO KNOW WHERE THE CAR IS AND HOW FAR IT MADE....IS IT ON ITS WAY OR STILL IN PICK UP LOCATION....THEY SHOULD HAVE MAINTAIN THE STATUS OF EACH CAR.....ATLEAST THEY HAVE TO ANSWER REASONABLE......SHE IS FIGHTING WITH ME SAYING THE TRUCK WILL COME ON NEXT WEEK....THE SCHEDULED TIME IS MONDAY AND SHE SAYS THE CAR WILL COME NEXT WEEK...SO I GOT ANGRY AND DECIDED TO TAKE OME ACTION AND TERMINATED THE CALL AFTER ASKING HER TO INFORM ME IF SHE KNOWS SOMETHING.....
nAfter 5 mins of the call with her...i got a call from somebody from truck company and said the driver is in minneapolis and deliver my car in 2 hours.....finally got relieved...i dont want the car on time..but atleast they are trying to get here and i was worried because i dont or atleast they dont even know where the car is- -WHICH IS WORST PART
after this call it wnet smooth...althought thedriver reached late at 9pm he delivered to my home as the manager is good and chnaged my destination address to home instead of office as the estimated arrival time changed from afternoon to night......
MY car is in good condition
while trying to get the customer they tried to call me 10 times in single day to get finalised..why didnt they responded single time to gimme the status of my vehicle?- - - -
So please improve on that part and we still use it again
if i would have read all this reviews before i may have decided not to move with these guys....so reviews will affect more.....keep customers happy guys....and increase your business...
Thanks a lot fo......have a good business ahead "