The US D.O.T is now investigating this company
Kevin Somai
Submitted this review about
Review made Live: 7/18/2012 1:01:00 PM
I can spend lots of time telling you how much grief this company has brought me. I took the time to file a lawsuit which has gotten past small claims and now is into a mandatory hearing after the judge actually called the company on the telephone in Miami, FL and had "Paul Nimoun" (owner, manager) on speakerphone in a courtroom full of people; he thought that not answering the court papers in time would be wise until he received that unexpected phone call! (The case went into default as they didn't respond in 20 days, but responded after).
After my court case is over, I will post specifics about my move.
Although small claims is for amounts of $5000 and less, I filed the lawsuit the day after New Times Moving delivered roughly 2/3 of my items; I am not going into specifics yet until my final hearing date, which is late next month. About 1/2 of the boxes I received were damaged and many items were broken/shattered; there is no point writing in "fragile" on anything; the pictures I have and what I have evidence I will present in court will testify as to how much irreplaceable damage this company has done.
I cannot believe that a company could still be in business. Look at the amount of complaints that have been filed with them at the US D.O.T website.
A detective from the U.S. D.O.T called me this morning and informed me that New Times Moving a.k.a Statewide Relocation is now under investigation and wants information about the move! This is very comforting and I hope that you all read this review and either move the items yourself or hire another company; I have moved with Allied in the past and although no mover is perfect, Allied managed to move TWO BEDROOMS with no significant damages and reimbursed me more than adequately for all losses; not a single item was missing.
Please contact me if you have questions, I urge you. I want the rest of the United States to know how horrible things can get when you place most of what many of us have worked our entire lives for into the hands of another.