Manchester Vanlines Really Bad Company
Dale conner
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Review made Live: 8/2/2013 1:27:00 PM
Well the first thing is they dont have a warehouse so have the time peoples stuff is just sitting in the parking lot for days with tape around it.. the warehouse is only maybe 20 feet long and manchester shares it with another moving company so technally they dont have a warehouse
second most shipments are moved around more then 4 to 5 times before it gets delevered which means your stuff gets handled alot more then usual and broken before you get it thats after the employees there go threw your stuff and open and retape your boxes
so if you want you stuff to sit outside and be looked threw by strangers then this is the company for you and yes most of the guys there in your house are felonies so you also have crimmals in your house that are illegal so there you have it come on down to Keswick ave off of kester and see for your self thanks