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World's Worst Company

Submitted this review about Hercules-Moving-Systems
Review made Live: 6/5/2012 8:52:00 PM
If you use this company you are crazy! Hercules’ service on my move from Hawaii to Florida was atrocious. First of all, the estimated charge they gave me by email was $5,200. My wife and I did almost all the packing ourselves. Their movers blanketed the furniture and boxed a few large items such as our mattress and box spring. The actual cost that was presented after the truck was loaded was $9,975. We had no choice but to accept it since our escrow was closing in 2 days and we were leaving on a plane the next day. Obviously, I should have done my homework beforehand because I have subsequently found out that this type of deception is a common practice for this company. Be that as it may, I would have opted to just forgo the bad judgment on my part and their questionable business practices if they had not lost some of our items during the move. Among those missing were ALL of our priceless family photos, videos, and mementos from 46 years of marriage. Included in those were some documents such as my college diploma and master’s degree certificate and pictures from my wife’s and my childhood. Also unacceptable was the 47 days it took to receive our shipment here in Florida (July 18 to September 3). This was 6 days over the maximum time they said it would take and much longer than they advertise on their website. Our possessions went from Hawaii to California by ship and obviously sat in Los Angeles for several weeks before they decided to truck them to Florida. We contacted them several times during that period, and they said they did not know when they would be loaded and sent. They were waiting for other shipments going that way. When the truck showed up at our new Florida residence (very late in the day), they carried the items into the house, but they did no unwrapping of the furniture. My wife and I had to remove ALL of the blankets so they could take them back on the truck. The day after we finally did receive our delivery, I contacted their customer service department (the first of several times) regarding the missing boxes. I got the usual “brush-off” promises to look for them, but after almost two months, no one had gotten back to me. They did tell me that if they could not be found, I could file a claim and I would be reimbursed. I asked them how I could put a price on a lifetime of family photos and memorabilia. The only answer I got was the clause in the contract that relegates them to paying 60 cents per pound for damaged or missing items. Swell! If I have 20 pounds of photos I get a grand total of $12. I filed a formal complaint with the U.S. Dept of Transportation. In their response letter they stated they would forward my complaint to Hercules and urge them to contact me. Of course, that never happened. I wrote a letter to company officials, and that was never responded to. I also contacted two attorneys, and neither one was optimistic about ever collecting anything from Hercules. One aspect that works against ever finding my possessions is that with this company, the shipment is loaded, unloaded, and reloaded several times in this distance of move. It is obvious to me that, being faced with misplaced or unidentified items due to all the packing and repacking, they dump them or steal them. This company’s lack of concern regarding our family treasures is deplorable and, to us, completely unforgiveable. I strongly implore you to NOT use Hercules Moving Systems for your move.