Very poor service. Pay a lot and they damaged my stuff
Gemma Estepa
Submitted this review about
Review made Live: 12/7/2014 10:57:00 PM
I would not recommend Go Pro Van Line for moving. They charge you a lot of money.
I paid 8000.00 USD and I got damaged furnitures, lost important items dear to me. All mattresses delivered wet and with molds. Please do not trust this company they are so good in collecting money but they don't care about your hard earned stuffs. I tried to file for a claim and they gave me 297.00 USD for everything that they broke and lost. Please, please if you love your furnitures and stuffs try looking for a company that you can trust but definitely not Go Pro Van Line!!! Fyi thay charge me almost 2000.00 USD for packing and left my expensive bed frames without nothing considering they promise unlimited use of packing blankets:(