Would Gladly Hire Them Again
Aaron Bakken
Submitted this review about
Review made Live: 6/27/2012 2:10:00 PM
I spent hours researching approx 10 Bay Area medium & small size cross country moving companies to move me from Oakland to Wisconsin. American Choice Van Lines (ACVL) was not the top rated company on most third party review sites, however, they routinely were in the top 10% for service. I read some bad reviews, but mostly what I found was positive. And I liked that they were a smaller, local company.
In working with Gordon to negotiate my moving costs and discussing my research, he was pretty darn honest about the circumstances behind some of the negative reviews I'd read. His explanations seemed fair and balanced to me. Not everything goes right when moving - and both sides can be to blame. I finally decided to select ACVL and told the other movers I had spoken to that my decision was made. Man, did these other movers do everything they could to bad-mouth ACVL. I was more turned off by this slanderous approach than the negative reviews I'd read. It actually made me feel like I wanted to stick up for ACVL, and I hadn't even really experienced their services yet.
Incidentally, the cost to move with ACVL was very competitive.
Moving week came, and the ACVL estimator came out to do a final tally. Turns out I had a lot more stuff than I'd originally anticipated. And on moving day the final weight total was within 50lbs of the on site estimator's estimate. But they stuck by their per pound price quote - I was worried about that. The only increase in my price was a direct result of the extra 1200 lbs of stuff I was shipping. I did all of my own packing with the exception of wrapping furniture - which ACVL did a very good job of.
The moving team was really professional, and these guys worked their tails off. They were pretty careful with most of my stuff. Within 7 days my stuff arrived in Wisconsin, and while clearly I had not packed/taped some of the boxes very well - some were a little crushed - everything arrived pretty much intact.
The only thing missing was a replacement tire I'd taped to my hand truck/dolly the day of shipping. I called Gordon about this the week after my move was complete and he promptly sent me a check for the replacement cost ($22).
So, in short, these guys were pretty great. In a market where most of these movers will say seemingly anything bad they can about the competition to get the sale, I feel I got a great price and great service from ACVL despite their "warnings".