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Submitted this review about Americarrier-Van-Lines
Review made Live: 5/15/2012 4:05:00 PM
I filed a claim for theft, loss, damage and overcharging and the company "Milena"/Amerricarrier Claims service refuses to pay. Milena was the company who hired americarrier, and when the movers arrived at my home they used a BUDGET truck to load my belongings. These movers brought furniture that was to stay behind, they even brought my trash can full of trash, a tv, a floor lamp, etc, just so they could charge fro the weight. It took seven (7) days to receive my belongings. The movers stole my breathing maching, a trucnk, an end table (they brought the legs) they even stole the inside of my printer where the cartridges fit in, and taped the printer up so nice and neat. They broke my "CHINA" a setting for 12 with gravy boat, sugar bowls, etc. These people stole my "gold" silverware, a camera, clothes, a set of everyday dishes, there is just too much too put in this review. Upon drelivery I was promised that the movers would put together anything that they took loose, they did not do that I still have items that needs to be put together. They tried to extor money from me if I wanted them to stay until I opened all boxes it would cots me a lot of money and they would house my belongings in storage until I paid them. The Claims service knew these movers had two more deliveries that they were late delivering but, their refusal to pay me because I would not pay thousands of extra dollars to the movers to stay until I unpacked is outrageous. Now I must take them to small claims court. Joyce